Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dividend Investing - Month 1

The transformation of the dividend investment portfolio has been a slow one.  Until significant dividends start flowing into the account, the changes from week to week will always be minimal.  For this reason, I will provide updates here on a monthly basis.  The data from the weekly updates will continue to be displayed.  Any major changes inside and outside the portfolio will be available too.

When I first began the dividend investing portfolio, RSO was my first purchase.  This represented 100% of the portfolio for some time.  It now represents 70.4% of the portfolio.  This will continuously decrease as I balance the portfolio out and add some future trades.  The average dividend payment this month will be $27.54.  Were a bit off from the $2000 goal, but this is a good starting point.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial planner, advisor, or accountant. The financial actions mentioned were only suited for my own risk tolerance, strategy, and ideas. Copying another's financial moves can lead to large losses. Each person needs to do their due diligence in researching and planning their own actions in the financial markets.  

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