My Big Financial Picture

Here I track my financial health!  My goal is to have passive income outweigh my expenditures month after month.  Once this happens on a regular basis, I can retire early.  This will happen, its just a matter of when.

Original Debt = 100%        
Current Debt = 72.73%      

Total Interest Paid 2016 = $7810.16
Total Interest Paid 2015 = $8150.65
Total Interest Paid 2014 = $7917.57
Total Interest Paid 2013 = $9060.63
Total Interest Paid 2012 = $9519.16

Average Monthly Expenses (no mortgages)= $1477
Average Monthly Dividends                       = $45
Average Monthly Real Estate Cashflow      = $1800
Average Monthly Lending                          = $10
Passive Income Currently Covers 125% Expenses

Average Monthly Expenses (w/ mortgages) = $3110
Average Monthly Dividends                        = $45
Average Monthly Real Estate Income          = $4000
Average Monthly Lending                           = $10
Passive Income Currently Covers 130% Expenses (w/ mortgages)

Change Log:

7/15/17 Passive Income Currently Covers 130% Expenses (w/ mortgages)
7/15/17 Average Monthly Real Estate Income = $4000
7/15/17 Passive Income Currently Covers 125% Expenses
7/15/17 Average Monthly Real Estate Cashflow = $1800
7/15/17 Average Monthly Expenses (no mortgages)= $1477
7/1517 Average Monthly Expenses (w/ mortgages) = $3110
7/15/17 Average Monthly Dividends = $45
7/15/17 Current Debt = 72.73%
5/15/15 Average Monthly Dividends = $26
4/3/15 Passive Income Currently Covers 100% Expenses (w/ mortgages)
4/3/15 Average Monthly Real Estate Income = $2800
4/3/15 Average Monthly Expenses (w/ mortgages) = $2810
4/3/15 Passive Income Currently Covers 87% Expenses
4/3/15 Average Monthly Lending = $10
4/3/15 Average Monthly Real Estate Cashflow = $1008
4/3/15 Average Monthly Expenses (no mortgages)= $1177
4/3/15 Average Monthly Dividends = $6
4/3/15 Current Debt = 80.16%
1/8/15  Passive Income Currently Covers 57% Expenses
1/8/15  Average Monthly Dividends = $0
1/8/15  Passive Income Currently Covers 83% Expenses (w/ mortgages)
12/13/14 Total Interest Paid 2014 = $7917.57
11/23/14 Average Monthly Dividends = $183
11/23/14 Current Debt = 69.13%
7/15/14 Average Monthly Dividends = $181
7/15/14 Average Monthly Lending = $9
7/1/14   Passive Income currently covers 89% Expenses (w/ mortgages)
7/1/14   Passive Income currently covers 73% Expenses
7/1/14   Current Debt = 70.88%
7/1/14   Average Monthly Dividends = $167
5/4/14   Current Debt = 71.2%
5/4/14   Average Monthly Dividends = $155
3/22/14 Current Debt = 72.38%
3/22/14 Average Monthly Expenses (w/ mortgages) = $2710
3/22/14 Average Monthly Expenses (no mortgages)= $1077
3/22/14 Passive Income currently covers 89% Expenses (w/ mortgages)
3/22/14 Passive Income currently covers 71% Expenses
3/22/14 Average Monthly Dividends = $149
12/28/13 Total Interest Paid 2013 = $9060.63
12/9/13   Average Monthly Dividends = $142
10/29/13 Passive Income currently covers 84% Expenses (w/ mortgages)
10/29/13 Passive Income currently covers 63% Expenses
10/29/13 Average Monthly Real Estate Cashflow = $613
10/29/13 Average Monthly Dividends = $136
8/16/13 Current Debt = 79.89%
8/16/13 Average Monthly Dividends = $128
7/26/13 Average Monthly Lending = $3
7/25/13 Average Monthly Dividends = $126
7/24/13 Average Monthly Lending = $0
7/12/13 Passive Income currently covers 82% Expenses (w/ mortgages)
7/12/13 Passive Income currently covers 57% Expenses
7/12/13 Average Monthly Dividends = $115
7/12/13 Current Debt = 80.25%
6/9/13 Passive Income currently covers 56% Expenses
6/9/13 Average Monthly Dividends = $106
5/12/13 Average Monthly Dividends = $97
5/12/13 Current Debt = 81.49%
4/1/13 Current Debt = 82.38%
4/1/13 Average Monthly Expenses (no mortgages)= $1200
4/1/13 Average Monthly Dividends = $93
4/1/13 Average Monthly Real Estate Cashflow = $568
4/1/13 Passive Income Currently Covers 55% Expenses
4/1/13 Average Monthly Expenses (w/ mortgages) = $2833
4/1/13 Average Monthly Real Estate Income = $2200
4/1/13 Passive Income Currently Covers 81% Expenses

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